* Square brackets for optional parameters: help [list]
* Angle brackets for required parameters: register < username > < email addr >
* Ellipses for repeated items: send
* Vertical bars for choice of items: list {enemy | friendly}
Commands can be stacked on one line by seperating with a /
Example: help/news/time
You can repeat the previous command line by pressing the enter key on a blank line.
Use Register to register a new username. Use Login to log into the server into the pregame system. Use Activate to enter the game.
When you first connect to the system you will be placed into the Pregame section. Here you can do a variety of things:
Enter the game from the pregame. Requires that you are logged in.
Read or record bugs, comments, suggestion, etc. in the file gripe.txt, which is periodically reviewed by the implementor.
List or describe the legal commands.
Authenticate to the system. Requires you have registered first.
Log off the system.
Info about any new features or enhancements.
List scores breakdown so far.
Register to use the system.
Send messages to other ships using the sub-space radio.
List various information on ships, bases, and planets.
List information on run time and elapsed time.
List all players currently logged on.
Disconnect from the server
Recover your lost password to use the system.
List information on friendly and known enemy bases.
Develop installations on a planet, and eventually build it into a base. The planet must first be captured.
Win a neutral or enemy planet over to your side.
List damaged devices and their current status.
Dock at an adjacent base or planet. This increases your energy, replenishes your torpedoes, repairs your ship a little, and reduces your ship damage.
Transfer energy between two ships.
Read or record bugs, comments, suggestion, etc. in the file gripe.txt, which is periodically reviewed by the implementor.
List or describe the legal commands.
Move using impulse engines.
List various information about: ships, bases, planets, ports, Coalition, Empire, Neutral, Archeron, Friendly, Enemy, TArgets, Captured, All, Summary, Closest.
Move using warp engines.
Tell about any new features or enhancements.
Fire phasers at a target.
List information on friendly and known enemy and neutral planets.
List scores breakdown so far.
Leave the game and close the connection
Turn ship's sub-space radio on or off; ignore or restore communications from individual ships.
Repair your damaged devices a little.
Display a selected portion of the nearby universe.
Set various input and output defaults.
Send messages to other ships using the sub-space radio.
Transfer energy to or from your shields; raise or lower your shields.
Display the galaxy with a default range of 7 sectors (1 greater than the maximum warp factor).
List a objects current status and supply levels.
List various information on ships, bases, and planets.
List targets (enemies within range) and their current locations.
Send messages to other ships using the sub-space radio.
List information on run time and elapsed time.
Fire photon torpedoes at a target.
Use tractor beam to tow friendly objects with their (and your) shields down.
List current Input/Output, system and game characteristics.
List all players currently logged on